Tuesday 16 December 2008

My Exhibition

I had two exhibitions, one was in college in the T46 and the other was at home in my sitting room. The exhibition went well because i got the most important bit done and that was the youth watching the video.

Monday 8 December 2008

Production Diary

Initally when i started production i did a few changes on my pre- production work like the story had to be changed. My shooting schedule had to be changed from weekends to the weekday because my actor was busy with work. i shot my video at night on a friday although i planned for it to be shot in the afternoon, rain messed up the day. My exhibition went well in college, i got my questionares filled out and i would still exhibit it at home.

Wednesday 3 December 2008

Synopsis of your installation

The video will be shown on 12-12-08 by about 6pm at my house and also in college. The audience would be a group of young people because the video is more appealing to the youth. The exhibition space is my house and the rational for choosing the space is that i have invited some friends and as youth the video is made for their viewing and my home is an easier place for the audience. Why i would show my video in college is that the whole students are youth.

Friday 24 October 2008


Shot 1- Lucas has a free throw and misses it, he gets annnoyed
Shot 2- He stares into the air, and goes into his imagination
Shot 3-He starts to do skills with the ball and back to reality
Shot 4- He tries to makes a fre throwe, then goes for a layout.

Wednesday 22 October 2008


Btec National Diploma In Media (Film and TV)





DURATION: 3min 10s


AUDIO: non- diegetic and diegetic

OUTLINE OF AUDIENCE: For the general publics view, especially for the youth

OUTLINE OF STORY: A normal Friday as every friday for Lucas but he can't make a simple free throw and he wishes things in his mind he creates a better version of himself then he gets back to reality and deals with his problem.


Friday 17 October 2008

Review of 1001 nights

Film content review sheet

Name of film- 1001 nights

Name of creator or films artist- Jananne Al-Ani

Duration- 6minutes

Briefly give an overview of the types visual images used in this chosen piece. (B&W, colour, locations, actors etc.)

Coloured video, five female actors, Different scenes but all put together into one background

Briefly give an overview of the types audio used in the video. (Is the Audio Diegetic or Non Diegetic , does the soundtrack fit the imagery?)

Audio is diegetic and it makes the video look a bit real

What do you think the premise or controlling idea of this video is?

The artist is trying to reach out to the people you do have any idea of what other people are passing through

What thoughts are you left with after you have viewed this film?

It keep me thinking of what type of experimental video i would like to make.

Review on Koyaniqasti

Film content review sheet

Name of film- Koyaaniqasti

Name of creator or films artist- Godfrey Reggio

Duration- 86 minutes

Briefly give an overview of the types visual images used in this chosen piece. (B&W, colour, locations, actors etc.)

The canyons and mountains, caves, the city, it’s more like a documentary because there are no actors. Special effects are used, Coloured video.

Briefly give an overview of the types audio used in the video. (Is the Audio Diegetic or Non Diegetic, does the soundtrack fit the imagery?)

The audio is non-diegetic; the sound used really fits into the film like when the film reaches a fast part the music beat accelerates and when it slows down the music beat reduces at the same rate.

What do you think the premise or controlling idea of this video is?

It’s basically about human beings accelerating life, a big bang an explosion that destroys everything and then back to the beginning. The film is about life, the beginning and the end that comes after destruction.

What thoughts are you left with after you have viewed this film?

Avoid accelerating life, because at the end there could be destruction waiting.

Wednesday 15 October 2008

Review on doll face

Film content review sheet

Name of film- Doll face

Name of creator or films artist- Andy Huang

Duration- 4minutes

Briefly give an overview of the types visual images used in this chosen piece. (B&W, colour, locations, actors etc.)

The character was a robot head, in a graphic background and everything seemed too different. The robot head comes of the box and stares at the television in front of it and tries to imitate the images it sees on the television. And when the television moves away and the robots reaches its limits but still forces itself, it ends up breaking.

Briefly give an overview of the types audio used in the video. (Is the Audio Diegetic or Non Diegetic, does the soundtrack fit the imagery?)

The audio was non-Diegetic

What do you think the premise or controlling idea of this video is?

The artist Andy Huang is trying to show what happens when people see things on television like their favourite celebrities and what they do and try to copy them, push themselves off limits and end up with regrets.

What thoughts are you left with after you have viewed this film?

Aware of the dangers in trying to be what you are not.

Monday 13 October 2008

6. Audience, and audience interpretation of the work (200 Words)

The first impression after watching the videos was that it was boring; I can't believe it’s in black and white or what does the video even mean! Everyone had expectations of what the video will look like and what it was going to be. There must always be different reactions and opinions about things, so when any video is watched the reactions are definitely going to differ, People are individuals with dissimilar ideas and opinions so there are meant to be diverse reactions and it doesn't really matter what a person as an individual thinks, all that matters is the opinion of the artist that produced the video. Because he or she is the creator and can make it into whatever he or she wants it to be. Whether everyone has the same reaction or not, we all must have one interpretation because a video always has a concept and that basically means a message behind the idea or purpose why the video was made. Every video has a message that the artist who produced it is trying to pass to the public through dissemination by the media, although everyone might have unlike reactions, we will all have one interpretation.

5. How these works might inspire your own work (100 Words)

The KOYAANIQASTI has really given me a sense of creativity, looking at the GIRL CHEWING GUM it is sort of like a challenge to me because i wonder that if a film made in the 1970s could be that good and not much funds were used in the production, then am supposed to make something better than that, although the KOYAANIQASTI was made in the 1980s and alot of money was used in the production of the video, i believe that without funds something with much craft and concept could be made. it's just to learn from the concept of a few videos.

Friday 10 October 2008

3. Narrative and non-narrative structures (100 Words)

The narrative structure in KOYAANIQASTIis traditional and the story line is simple, no complexity attached to the video, which would be easier for the audience understanding where as in 1001 NIGHTS the narrative structure is non-traditional and the video is complex in a way because it just takes the viewer into five different stories, yet the narration is quite understood. 1001 NIGHTS was made in a more advanced time so there were a lot of different techniques that were used when making the 1001 NIGHTS that were not used in making KOYAANIQASTI and the knowledge of the directors are different and one might be more experienced than the other.

4. The use of exhibition space to create meaning (100 Words)

When exhibiting an art work, the exhibition space should be put into consideration e.g the place to be used, the kind of effect it would have on the video, if the place relates to the video. Like if the video is a horror movie the artist could use a dark room, reduce the room temperature and make sure the video screen or the television is the only source of light. With all those things put in place, the video would have much more effect on the audience than watching it in a normal environment. In other to impact more meaning to an artwork the exhibition space has to considered because it creates meaning to the video. In the where the exhibition space dominique gonzalez film is exhibited the who area is designed to put the viewer into the mind frame of the artist so as to share on perspective.

Wednesday 8 October 2008

2. The use of technology and techniques and styles (100 Words)

Koyaanisqasti was made in 1982 and it had a lot of techniques put into it, the fact that it was made in the 1980s gives a lot of thought about how technology was then and the kind of difference in technology now, comparing koyaanisqasti with telling lies there are a lot of changes in the technology used then when making koyaanisqasti and when telling lies was made. The kind of machines, computers and video cameras used then are outdated and there are lots of new brands that been produced and the level of expertise has increased. The kind of special effect used in in the 1980s have changed over the years because new ones are created almost yearly.

Monday 6 October 2008

1. Discuss both past and current artists and works(200 words)

Telling lies by simon ellis, 1001 nights by Jananne Al-Ani are videos that have got concept, telling lies is a very good example of an experimental video, looking at the video it’s just different from things that people try out looking at the words flashing past on the screen and the video doesn’t have any images just a blank screen ,the diegetic and the non- diegetic audio all warped in a video makes it a masterpiece, 1001 nights is a good video but not ideal because it doesn’t really give out the message , the non-diegetic audio on the background, comparing the two videos the audio in telling lies are clear and audible hearing the sound of the phone dialling, the sound that the keypad makes while its being pressed and when the phone is dropped, while in 1001 nights the audio is blurred and there seems to be a white noise on the background and when the actors finish telling their story they shut their eyes. Comparing the koyaanisqasti by Godfrey Reggio that has both concept and craft the video has a lot of special effects like the fire at the end; the speeding up of life and others then the audio is non-diegetic.

Monday 29 September 2008

Comparing Telling lies and The girl chewing gum.

TELLING LIES by simon ellis is a short video of 4:09mins created by Simon Elise, the where no images in the video just letters and numbers displayed what the people talking thought in their minds and it shows us that they were just lies that they told each other and the audio was diegetic and it concept was about a group of people linked together by things that happened the previous night and the lies invovled. THE GIRL CHEWING GUM by John Smith 9mins was sort of like a first of its kind, produced in th 1970's the video is a really good experimental video, the audio is non-diegetic and the video is made in black and white. it's concept is about the narrator controlling the scene.

What is craft & What is concept?

What is CRAFT? it is when a piece of work is made in a unique and completely different way, it portrays the depth of skill applied trying to make it a masterpiece of its own kind. While on the other hand CONCEPT is the way of communicating or experssing an idea through a piece of work, like inculcating an idea or your perception into your work either through videos or pictures.

Sunday 28 September 2008


This video is about life, the beginning and the destruction coming at the end, then it takes us to the 1980's how production had taken a turn into a mass production and new things were invented. life went into the fast lane and is on the verge of destruction. The audio is non-diegetic and some special effects where used.(1hr 23mins)

1001 Nights(video)

The concept of the video is not really conveyed but i can point out a few things, the audio is diegetic but there are other sounds on the background which produce unwanted noise. All the actors are female that are past mid-age. The actors seem to be narrating stroies of other peoples lifes. The video is trying to give out a message but at the end leaves you wondering.(6mins)

Monday 22 September 2008

Brighton pictures

The pictures show different sides of the beach the first is the burnt pier which would give out a first impression of brighton beach as a danger zone and other kinds of thoughts, while the second picture shows the peace and serenity of the beach a place worth visiting.

What is experimental media?

I think experimental media is about creating new styles in video and photography, making your own stuff or creating videos, pictures and other stuff in your own way. Experimental media is all about new innovations. Like in the movie or music industry produces tend to bring out new styles and use different techniques to make their movies or videos everytime, For instance the new Hellboy movie there are new graphics and special effects used in the movie. In summary experimental video is all about crteating new techniques and styles in your own way....