Friday 10 October 2008

3. Narrative and non-narrative structures (100 Words)

The narrative structure in KOYAANIQASTIis traditional and the story line is simple, no complexity attached to the video, which would be easier for the audience understanding where as in 1001 NIGHTS the narrative structure is non-traditional and the video is complex in a way because it just takes the viewer into five different stories, yet the narration is quite understood. 1001 NIGHTS was made in a more advanced time so there were a lot of different techniques that were used when making the 1001 NIGHTS that were not used in making KOYAANIQASTI and the knowledge of the directors are different and one might be more experienced than the other.

4. The use of exhibition space to create meaning (100 Words)

When exhibiting an art work, the exhibition space should be put into consideration e.g the place to be used, the kind of effect it would have on the video, if the place relates to the video. Like if the video is a horror movie the artist could use a dark room, reduce the room temperature and make sure the video screen or the television is the only source of light. With all those things put in place, the video would have much more effect on the audience than watching it in a normal environment. In other to impact more meaning to an artwork the exhibition space has to considered because it creates meaning to the video. In the where the exhibition space dominique gonzalez film is exhibited the who area is designed to put the viewer into the mind frame of the artist so as to share on perspective.

1 comment:

CSC MEDIA said...

You need to explain the effect that a traditional or non traditional narrative has on the way we, the audience take meaning from it.