Friday 17 October 2008

Review on Koyaniqasti

Film content review sheet

Name of film- Koyaaniqasti

Name of creator or films artist- Godfrey Reggio

Duration- 86 minutes

Briefly give an overview of the types visual images used in this chosen piece. (B&W, colour, locations, actors etc.)

The canyons and mountains, caves, the city, it’s more like a documentary because there are no actors. Special effects are used, Coloured video.

Briefly give an overview of the types audio used in the video. (Is the Audio Diegetic or Non Diegetic, does the soundtrack fit the imagery?)

The audio is non-diegetic; the sound used really fits into the film like when the film reaches a fast part the music beat accelerates and when it slows down the music beat reduces at the same rate.

What do you think the premise or controlling idea of this video is?

It’s basically about human beings accelerating life, a big bang an explosion that destroys everything and then back to the beginning. The film is about life, the beginning and the end that comes after destruction.

What thoughts are you left with after you have viewed this film?

Avoid accelerating life, because at the end there could be destruction waiting.

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