Friday 9 January 2009


My video is basically about a boy trying to shoot some hoops but he misses then feels bad about it, after that he enters into his imagination, performing skills that he couldn’t do in reality, he gets himself back. With determination he shoots again and he gets it. There where special effects in the video to bring more life into it and show the sense of craft since it is an experimental video. Before I made up my mind to shoot the video I had a lot of ideas which were making me all confused but I got a chance to watch an experimental video about basketball with the help of my tutor and in that video there where lots of effects and other things done in the video which made it so creative and inspiring but to make my video with that kind of craft I needed more time into my post production and so what I did was borrow some ideas from the video and mix up with my own ideas.

During my pre-production I had a few problems with filling the paperwork but my tutor helped me out, and after that I started my filming which was postponed because my actor was busy and the equipments at college were booked out. Finally I filmed my video on a Friday night at a basketball court in Bewbush. I was motivated with different ideas for my video which didn’t make it easy for me to come up with an original concept but I later made up my mind to go with the basketball video idea and it really went well.

My footage was not really good because I didn’t get enough lighting but with the editing I was able to use the problem as an effect because I turned my video into scenes with color and others with black and white interchanging the two colors.

I had a lot of editing to do and I also had to get a sound track for my video which was quite difficult but at the end I think it was worth it because I had a lot of comments in my questionnaire where people said the music corresponded with the video and the bouncing of the ball which I think is quite good.

The video which I think has more to show its identity as an experimental work is the Koyaanisqasti by Godfrey Reggio, although it was made in the 1980s the video still has a lot to teach others.

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