Monday 29 September 2008

Comparing Telling lies and The girl chewing gum.

TELLING LIES by simon ellis is a short video of 4:09mins created by Simon Elise, the where no images in the video just letters and numbers displayed what the people talking thought in their minds and it shows us that they were just lies that they told each other and the audio was diegetic and it concept was about a group of people linked together by things that happened the previous night and the lies invovled. THE GIRL CHEWING GUM by John Smith 9mins was sort of like a first of its kind, produced in th 1970's the video is a really good experimental video, the audio is non-diegetic and the video is made in black and white. it's concept is about the narrator controlling the scene.

What is craft & What is concept?

What is CRAFT? it is when a piece of work is made in a unique and completely different way, it portrays the depth of skill applied trying to make it a masterpiece of its own kind. While on the other hand CONCEPT is the way of communicating or experssing an idea through a piece of work, like inculcating an idea or your perception into your work either through videos or pictures.

Sunday 28 September 2008


This video is about life, the beginning and the destruction coming at the end, then it takes us to the 1980's how production had taken a turn into a mass production and new things were invented. life went into the fast lane and is on the verge of destruction. The audio is non-diegetic and some special effects where used.(1hr 23mins)

1001 Nights(video)

The concept of the video is not really conveyed but i can point out a few things, the audio is diegetic but there are other sounds on the background which produce unwanted noise. All the actors are female that are past mid-age. The actors seem to be narrating stroies of other peoples lifes. The video is trying to give out a message but at the end leaves you wondering.(6mins)

Monday 22 September 2008

Brighton pictures

The pictures show different sides of the beach the first is the burnt pier which would give out a first impression of brighton beach as a danger zone and other kinds of thoughts, while the second picture shows the peace and serenity of the beach a place worth visiting.

What is experimental media?

I think experimental media is about creating new styles in video and photography, making your own stuff or creating videos, pictures and other stuff in your own way. Experimental media is all about new innovations. Like in the movie or music industry produces tend to bring out new styles and use different techniques to make their movies or videos everytime, For instance the new Hellboy movie there are new graphics and special effects used in the movie. In summary experimental video is all about crteating new techniques and styles in your own way....